Dallee Mae Robison, Miss Texas High School Rodeo 2023

Dallee Mae Robison, Miss Texas High School Rodeo 2023

Before working with Lisa my confidence level in interviewing and equine knowledge was not where I wanted it to be. She helped me gain knowledge in all aspects of the equine industry from equine diseases to horsemanship. I’m so thankful I had Lisa to help me before going on to the National High School Finals Rodeo Queen Contest. With her help, I was able to be more confident in my answers and think on my feet in the interview room. Not only is she extremely intelligent in all aspects of the equine industry, but she also has public speaking knowledge that will help you with your speeches and hold you accountable for practicing. I loved getting to work with her and I hope I will continue growing in the rodeo queen world with her help in the future. She’s an amazing person and will help you to be successful in the rodeo queen world.

Bio: Dallee Mae lives in Stephenville, Texas and is a Junior at Stephenville High School. She is active in FFA and competes on the Horse Judging Team. She competes in THSRA Region X in barrels, poles and goat tying and just recently started breakaway roping. She loves all aspects of horses; from competing in rodeos, running horsemanship patterns, showing horses or just jumping on one bareback and riding around the ranch. She rarely meets a horse she doesn’t like! She had an amazing time at the National High School Finals Rodeo and is excited to continue to represent THSRA.


Borderland Rodeo Queen Clinic


McKensey Middleton, Miss Rodeo California 2023